2017.07.03 Mon, by
Open Call for the 4th Crystal Ruth Bell Residency – Care 关怀

Apply now: http://www.chinaresidencies.com/news/156

For the fourth edition of the Crystal Ruth Bell Residency, Red Gate & China Residencies are inviting people to apply for a funded residency in Beijing for the months of November and December 2017. We are calling for people of all types of creative practices, of all passports, ages, gender-identities, abilities, and interests to send us proposals for projects to pursue in Beijing this winter around the principle of”care” – in any way the term makes sense to you.

Performers, filmmakers, poets, writers, researchers, photographers, choreographers, chefs, designers, developers, activists, scientists, architects, and all kinds of visual artists are encouraged to apply with a project proposal that reflects some of Crystal’s interests and driving forces: generosity, loyalty, friendship, justice, and bikes.

Crystal cared for countless artists during her time at Red Gate, keeping in touch years after they left. She also took care of business and got things done. She looked after her mother and her friends, and wasn’t afraid to ask for help when she needed her own caretakers. She designed healthcare apps, and got teenagers to care about social change. Above all, she cared deeply about changing the world for the better.

The Crystal Ruth Bell Residency covers:

- Live/work space in Beijing
- Funding for travel and visa expenses
- Airport pickups, welcome dinner and orientation upon arrival
- Project support and coordination
- Artist talk & studio visits (optional)
- USD $1,000 research stipend (enough to cover meals and daily living expenses in Beijing)
- Materials & production stipend (variable based on proposed project)
- Open studio exhibition

Apply online before July 17st 2017. Finalists will be notified by August 8th and the selected resident will be announced on September 1st.

Individuals and duos from all nationalities are encouraged to apply, including China, Hong Kong, Taïwan and Macao. This is a wide open call, with no restrictions based on age, medium, educational background, or any other criteria. Project proposals will be evaluated based on their feasibility and creativity by a jury composed of Red Gate Residency director Jennifer Lindsay and coordinator Chao Fu Le, China Residencies board members Thea Bauman, Jay Brown, Christina Chung, Samantha Culp, Emma Karasz, Rachel Marsden, An Xiao Mina, summer intern Josue Chavez, and co-founder & director Kira Simon-Kennedy.

屏幕快照 2017-07-03 15.37.51