2013.04.23 Tue, by Translated by: 梁舒涵
Glance: “Why Paint?”

Why Paint?”  Group exhibition with Aniwar, Huang Yuxing, Huang Zhiyang, Liang Wei, Nashunbatu, Sheng Tianhong, Suling Wang, Xie Qi.

Pekin Fine Arts (No.241 Caochangdi Village Cui Ge Zhuang, Chaoyang, Beijing, China, 10001). Apr 13 – Jun 3, 2013.

The current exhibition at Pekin Fine Arts asks “Why Paint?”, and proceeds to show us several different approaches to the question.  Without getting too existential, we can say that the “why” of art making – as everything, perhaps – is bound also to its “what” and “how.” There is no strict realism here, but varying degrees of abstraction and expression. From abstract master Aniwar are two square canvases hosting his trademark sprinkled bars — in blue or blanched paint on white grounds. Their room mates are busier works by Suling Wang, Huang Zhiyang and Liang Wei. Where Aniwar is skilled at achieving depth beyond decoration, however, some might not find this to be as true of the others. In the second room of the show is a good juxtaposition of canvases by Huang Yuxing, whose caustic colours were seen recently at Beijing Commune, and Shen Tianhong, whose paintings are visually more “modest,” but by no means inferior.  The last room is shared by the ever-mysterious Nashunbatu, and Xie Qi, whose indefinite portrayals speak of memory. In Nashunbatu’s wonderful works, strange, marbled rafts of paint drain down from high horizons; pigment turns to a grainy sediment on the surface as if pulled by wind or water.

 “Why Paint?” is a successful show for (at least) making one ask that most philosophical of questions: “Why not?”

Suling Wang, “Transient Origins”, oil and acrylic on canvas, 245 x 200 cm, 2006
王淑铃, “Transient Origins,” 布面丙烯及油画, 245 x 200 cm, 2006

Huang Yuxing, “Revolutionist,” oil and acrylic on canvas, 200 x 125 cm,
黄宇兴, “革命者”, 布面丙烯及油画, 200 x 125 cm, 2012

Nashunbatu, “Untitled,” oil on canvas,150 x 200 cm, 2006
那顺巴图, “无题”, 布面油画, 150 x 200 cm, 2006