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Profond aujourd’hui Ma Jianfeng & Wang Buke Dual Solo Exhibition

In the year 1917, the Swiss-born novelist and poet Blaise Cendrars created the word ‘Profond aujourd’hui(the deep of today)’, to describe a tendency of arranging all the simple meaning words loosely in a paragraph and forming it into a basic rhythm: “Prodigieux aujourd’hui. Sonde. Antenne. Porte-visage. Tourbillon. Tu vis. Excentrique. Dans la solitude intégrale. Dans la communion anonyme [ ... ] Le rythme parle. Chimisme. Tu es.”

The same philosophy presents in today’s painting. In the two persons show, Wang Buke decomposes the story into sentences while another artist Ma Jianfeng splits the sentence into pure phrases. By using the lines, brushstrokes and the space-filled pieces to exchange with language, thus the relationship between the images and the meanings has been re-edited. The exhibition explains the implication of images in two ways: Ma’s works spouts out its intense and strength, which sets the images free by using the rough materials such as the plastic paper, stick and paperboard. In Wang’s painting, the images and the stories combine together as a whole, in such context, the paintings functions the connective logic.

The regulation of ‘Profond aujourd’hui’ has no more standard measurement, but the chaoplexity.

  • Wang Buke, “Oral Stage - Breast of Patti Smith and Hands of Robert Mapplethorpe”, oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm, 2012王不可,《口唇期 - 帕蒂·史密斯的乳房与罗伯特·梅普尔索普的手》,布面油画,40 x 30 cm,2012


  • Wang Buke, “Paul McCartney”, oil on canvas, paper collage, 30 x 40 cm, 2011王不可,《保罗》,布面油画、纸张拼贴,30 x 40 cm,2011


  • Wang Buke, “Thomas Edison”, oil on canvas, diameter 40 cm, 2013王不可,《爱迪生》,布面油画,直径40cm,2013


  • “Paradise LostⅠ”, exhibition view《失乐园Ⅰ》,展览现场


  • “Paradise LostⅠ”, exhibition view《失乐园Ⅰ》,展览现场


  • “Paradise LostⅠ”, exhibition view《失乐园Ⅰ》,展览现场


  • Wang Buke, “Accident and ToolboxⅡ”, acrylic, oil on canvas, 120 x 70 cm, 2013王不可,《意外与工具箱Ⅱ》,布面丙烯、油画,120 x 70 cm,2013


  • Wang Buke, “I Got You, but Not Your Heart”, oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm, 2010王不可,《得到你的人,却得不到你的心》,布面油画,120 x 140 cm,2010


  • “Paradise LostⅠ”, exhibition view《失乐园Ⅰ》,展览现场


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