中环鸭巴甸街35号 35 Aberdeen Street, Central, Hong Kong
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Central School  The Former Hollywood Road Police Married Quarters  PMQ

The original campus of the Central School was established at Gough Street, north of Hollywood Road. It was the first government school in Hong Kong providing western education to the public at the upper primary and secondary levels. Dr. Sun Yat-sen studied at the school in 1884. In 1889, the School was relocated to a site at the junction of Aberdeen Street and Hollywood Road. In 1894, the Central School was further renamed as Queen’s College, and the name stayed until today. The school buildings at Hollywood Road were severely damaged during the World War II and was rebuilt as the first Police Married Quarters for married junior police officers, which was left unused since 2000.

In October 2009, the Former Hollywood Road Police Married Quarters was included as one of the eight projects implemented by the Development Bureau, to be preserved under the “Conserving Central” of the Policy Address. In November 2010, the project was awarded to the Musketeers Education and Culture Charitable Foundation Limited, with the support of Hong Kong Design Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Hong Kong Design Institute of the Vocational Training Council, to transform the site into a creative industries landmark named “PMQ”, thereby creating a new platform and instilling power in Hong Kong’s creative industries.