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  日期格式: 1/30/2012
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2020.03.07 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn & Clare Woods
Simon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery, New York, is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring new works by Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn, and Clare Woods. Connected through an interest in figurative representation, the exhibition brings together three artists who present the body in unconventional ways, each exploring contemporary issues surrounding gender, sexuality, society and politics, as well as addressing the long and problematic history of the male gaze. The submissive female subject typically depicted reclining, seated or kneeling, is one of the most recognizable motifs in art history. As seen in this exhibition, Dancy, McGurn, and Woods respond to this convention through disparate methods presenting the figure as alternatively dominant, vulnerable, playful, or even androgynous, restoring to their subjects a sense of agency and recontextualizing the trope for our contemporary moment. >> 更多
2020.02.08 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn & Clare WoodsSimon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery, New York, is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring new works by Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn, and Clare Woods. Connected through an interest in figurative representation, the exhibition brings together three artists who present the body in unconventional ways, each exploring contemporary issues surrounding gender, sexuality, society and politics, as well as addressing the long and problematic history of the male gaze. >> 更多
2018.09.28 Friday, 文 /


(English) Taipei Dangdai announces a stellar line up of 90 galleries from across the globe, to kick off the 2019 art world calendar. The first edition of the fair attracts a strong participation of leading international galleries who will exhibit in Taipei for the first time, whilst showcasing the very best of Asia. >> 更多
2017.11.05 Sunday, 文 /


“我想象这个飞在空中的形象,他是在起舞?还是在坠落?这些绘画关乎运动,介于跌 跌撞撞与飘荡飞行之间的舞蹈⋯⋯无处落脚。” >> 更多
访谈, 2016.05.20 Friday, 文 /


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访谈, 2015.10.14 Wednesday, 文 /

鄧國騫 《百貨》

安全口畫廊呈獻與本地混合媒介藝術家鄧國騫個展《百貨》,由郭瑛策展。 >> 更多
访谈, 2014.12.16 Tuesday, 文 /


俗话说的好,“勿以貌取人”。但像伊斯坦布尔这样一个令人惊艳的城市,又怎不以其貌服人呢。坐落于博斯普鲁斯海峡,伊斯坦布尔可谓是日新月异。奥斯曼、拜占庭和罗马帝国赋予了这个城市多重历史,而伊斯坦布尔也在经历着一场艺术的井喷…... >> 更多
访谈, 2014.10.30 Thursday, 文 /


去伊斯坦布尔游玩,若当代艺术不是行程的重点,是可以被原谅的。毕竟,享有"城市中的女王"赞誉的伊斯坦布尔,聚集了大量历史遗址。但事实上,伊斯坦布尔已经逐渐变成了艺术兴盛之地:伴随着十年来的经济快速增长,新的博物馆、艺术空间和画廊如雨后春笋般涌现。 >> 更多
访谈, 2014.06.26 Thursday, 文 /


(English) Representing space in “LANDSEASKY” demonstrates that an objective view is rarely a truly neutral view. For the artist, space signifies a responsibility to memorialize, as well as to represent... >> 更多
访谈, 2014.03.03 Monday, 文 /


SGA WING #4即将推出艺术家张永旭最新个展--远方。届时,观众将有机会走进张永旭的绘画世界,以方寸画布和多彩颜料为媒,自成一格的自我艺术表达跃然呈现。
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