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  日期格式: 1/30/2012
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2020.04.22 Wednesday, 文 /

(English) We Move Among Ghosts
Jakarta Exhibition Explores the Ephemeral Nature of Values, Symbols, and Systems

(English) I stood at the entrance to Jakarta’s Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics one fine day, and instantly I was transported to another time in a past every born-and-bred Jakartan of a certain age would remember. >> 更多
2014.08.20 Wednesday, 文 /

(English) SeMA Biennale Mediacity Seoul 2014: Ghosts, Spies, and Grandmothers

(English) Mediacity Seoul 2014 will open its doors on 1 September 2014 with the opening ceremony. Under the title Ghosts, Spies, and Grandmothers, artworks of 42 artists (teams included) and 42 films will be exhibited and shown. >> 更多
思考, 2021.05.11 Tuesday, 文 /


《消失的解构》 See+画廊, 北京, 中国 2015年12月5日—2016年1月30日 组织者:画儿,see […] >> 更多
艺术家档案, 2020.10.11 Sunday, 文 /


我走进,漫步于这个昏暗的,共创棚屋。这是一种内在的大地(χώρα):一种在城邦(polis)之外的领土,但是同时作为一种不可见的腹地根植其中——正在容纳屋子的屋子。 >> 更多
艺术家档案, 2020.07.26 Sunday, 文 /


卡斯明与贝浩登荣幸宣布将联合筹办美国艺术家马克•莱登(1963年生于美国)的全 新个展,呈现约40件來自全新“超灵动物”(Anima Animals)系列的作品,同名展 览将于2020年7月3日在贝浩登(上海)开 幕。本次展览将是艺术家在中国的首次个展。 >> 更多
艺术家档案, 2020.06.30 Tuesday, 文 /


尽管疫情仍在全球蔓延,但在5月底的北京,随着画廊周北京的举办和两家新美术馆的开馆展,艺术界似乎在逐步恢复展览的节奏,然而6月初新发地疫情的出现,又让北京绷紧了神经。 >> 更多
艺术家档案, 2020.03.07 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn & Clare Woods
Simon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery, New York, is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring new works by Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn, and Clare Woods. Connected through an interest in figurative representation, the exhibition brings together three artists who present the body in unconventional ways, each exploring contemporary issues surrounding gender, sexuality, society and politics, as well as addressing the long and problematic history of the male gaze. The submissive female subject typically depicted reclining, seated or kneeling, is one of the most recognizable motifs in art history. As seen in this exhibition, Dancy, McGurn, and Woods respond to this convention through disparate methods presenting the figure as alternatively dominant, vulnerable, playful, or even androgynous, restoring to their subjects a sense of agency and recontextualizing the trope for our contemporary moment. >> 更多
艺术家档案, 2020.02.08 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn & Clare WoodsSimon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery, New York, is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring new works by Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn, and Clare Woods. Connected through an interest in figurative representation, the exhibition brings together three artists who present the body in unconventional ways, each exploring contemporary issues surrounding gender, sexuality, society and politics, as well as addressing the long and problematic history of the male gaze. >> 更多
艺术家档案, 2020.01.10 Friday, 文 /

(English) Nagel Draxler

(English) Galerie Nagel Draxler was founded by Christian Nagel in Cologne in 1990 and operates in Cologne, Berlin and Munich. We are proud to be a gallery that has a history, a present and a future. >> 更多
艺术家档案, 2019.12.09 Monday, 文 /

(English) Thomas Rehbein Galerie

(English) Thomas Rehbein Gallery was founded in 1995. The artistic program encompasses a range of contemporary positions of narrative and conceptual art. Ever since its beginning, the gallery has concentrated on substantial contemporary art. >> 更多

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