2016.11.02 Wednesday, 文 /


ARRÊT SUR IMAGES是一个支持中国当代艺术家奖项和驻留项目的慈善拍卖(展览于2016年12月3-7日在巴黎举行www.auctioneve.com)。

EVE 拍卖行(www.auctioneve.com)和FDCA(当代艺术发展基金会)正在合作组织一场从90年代和千禧年代中国艺术家当代摄影作品的拍卖,例如苍鑫,荣荣,戴光郁,郑国谷,何云昌,He An,洪磊,韩冰,等等…作品来自已故的Bertrand Cheuvreux的个人收藏,他是一个充满激情的艺术收藏家和一间致力于中国当代艺术的巴塞罗那画廊的创办人。 Bertrand Cheuvreux邀请了从纽约东村到西班牙的表演艺术家进行开创性的演出,如何云昌的“铸造”或苍鑫的“践踏面孔”。 此次拍卖的互动和目录将于11月中旬发行。

此次拍卖将与2016年12月7日,在巴黎的中心,一个著名的历史纪念碑举行:l’Hôtel de l’Industrie 4, Place Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 75006。本次拍卖还包括艾未未安装,由毛旭辉,赵无极,王广义等艺术家的作品。 FDCA(当代艺术发展基金会)此奖项致力成为弥合东西方之间差距的桥梁,将中国艺术家带到卢瓦尔河谷,让他/她与欧洲历史的过去和现在进行对话,同时亦带出他/ 她对法国现实的独特视野。

CANG Xin (1967- ) Introject series, Tiananmen performance, 2004 C-print on DIASEC, titled _Beijing_, dated _2004_, numbered _1_10_ and signed on the left in pinyin _ chinese characters, 3 500 _ 5 000 euros

CANG Xin (1967- ) Introject series, Tiananmen performance, 2004 C-print on DIASEC, titled _Beijing_, dated _2004_, numbered _1_10_ and signed on the left in pinyin _ chinese characters, 3 500 _ 5 000 euros

RONG RONG, 12 Square Meters, East Village, 1994, photography, signed in pinyin _ chinese characters lower right hand corner, entitled _East Village_ and numbered _6_10_, 8 000 _ 10 000 Ôé¼

RONG RONG, 12 Square Meters, East Village, 1994, photography, signed in pinyin _ chinese characters lower right hand corner, entitled _East Village_ and numbered _6_10_, 8 000 _ 10 000 Ôé¼

AI Weiwei, Fairytale Chairs (D-061), 2007, Chaise en bois, dynastie Qing, approx 103 x 53 x 42 cm

AI Weiwei, Fairytale Chairs (D-061), 2007, Chaise en bois, dynastie Qing, approx 103 x 53 x 42 cm

CANG Xin, Man and sky series, C-print, 120 x 80 cm, 3 500_ 5 000 euros

CANG Xin, Man and sky series, C-print, 120 x 80 cm, 3 500_ 5 000 euros

JU Ming Lining up, Living World series, 2002, resin sculpture, 70 x 18.5 x 18.6 cm, 12 000 _ 15 000 euros

JU Ming Lining up, Living World series, 2002, resin sculpture, 70 x 18.5 x 18.6 cm, 12 000 _ 15 000 euros

LUO brothers, Welcome to the World Most Famous Brands, colored ink, 53 x 101 cm, 5 000 _ 8 000 euros

LUO brothers, Welcome to the World Most Famous Brands, colored ink, 53 x 101 cm, 5 000 _ 8 000 euros

ZHENG Guogu, Taiyang Richang, 1998, handpainted black _ white print, titled in Chinese characters on the left, dated, signed and numbered 6_10 on the right, 95 x 60 cm edition of 10, 3 500 _ 3 000 euros

ZHENG Guogu, Taiyang Richang, 1998, handpainted black _ white print, titled in Chinese characters on the left, dated, signed and numbered 6_10 on the right, 95 x 60 cm edition of 10, 3 500 _ 3 000 euros