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  日期格式: 1/30/2012
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Marlborough Fine Art
2017.04.21 Friday - 2017.05.20 Saturday
Opening Exhibition
6 Albemarle Street, London W1S 4BY
+44 (0)20 7629 5161
Monday - Friday: 10am - 5.30pm

Saturday: 10am - 4.00pm

(Closed Saturdays during August)
Geoffrey Parton

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George Rickey: Sculpture from the Estate
George Rickey, Column of Six Cubes with Gimbal, 1995-1996, stainless steel, polychrome, unique, 83 x 32 x 32 in. Each cube: 8 x 8 in, courtesy of Marlborough Gallery Inc. and the Estate of George Rickey

George Rickey, Column of Six Cubes with Gimbal, 1995-1996, stainless steel, polychrome, unique, 83 x 32 x 32 in. Each cube: 8 x 8 in, courtesy of Marlborough Gallery Inc. and the Estate of George Rickey

伦敦玛勃洛画廊很荣幸地宣布,将带来美国著名雕塑家George Rickey(1907-2002)的作品展。自1982年第一次来到英国,首次于伦敦展示的作品是来自George Rickey Estate私人持有的16件雕塑。

作为国际上重要博物馆收藏中具有代表性和影响力的雕塑家,Rickey的动力作品是其于二战期间作为一名服务于空军部队(Army Air Corps)的工程师时,对一系列媒介进行实验的结果。这份工作既需要掌握机械技术,又需要了解变化的气流及其对弹道学的作用,而这驱使他从绘画转向了雕塑。

与亚历山大·考尔德一路的Rickey,是二十世纪中期把动力雕塑引进美国的先驱。同时,他也是第一位创作户外定制作品的艺术家之一,并因其那类对自然元素做出回应的不锈钢雕塑而为人所知。在美国、日本和欧洲,众多为场所定制的雕塑都体量庞大,其中包括《Four Open Squares Horizontal Tapered》。这件作品由塞恩斯伯里家族购买并捐赠给了伦敦克拉珀姆的Trinity House Hospice。Rickey也是Charles Jencks的好友,并给予Jencks于1995年在爱丁堡建造的Maggie’s Centre一件作品。

George Rickey working on Crucifera IV in his studio in East Chatham New York, c.1965,  photo by Carl Howard, copyright George Rickey Estate

George Rickey working on Crucifera IV in his studio in East Chatham New York, c.1965, photo by Carl Howard, copyright George Rickey Estate

Top left: George Rickey, Four Open Squares Horizontal Gyratory Tapered, 1984, stainless steel 17 x 5’5 in, No. 13, courtesy of Trinity House Hospice. Top right: George Rickey, N Lines Horizontal Hanging, 1967, stainless steel, unique, 84 x 24”, courtesy Tate Modern, London and the Estate of George Rickey. Bottom left: George Rickey, Unstable Square Variation No. 3, 1971, stainless steel with wooden base, edition of 8, 28 x 20 x 3 in, courtesy of Marlborough Gallery Inc. and the Estate of George Rickey. Bottom right: George Rickey, Two Planes Vertical Horizontal II, Holywell Manor Garden, Balliol College, Oxford 1969, Stainless steel, 13’5 x 10’6”. Photo courtesy Rob Judgesy

Top left: George Rickey, Four Open Squares Horizontal Gyratory Tapered, 1984, stainless steel 17 x 5’5 in, No. 13, courtesy of Trinity House Hospice. Top right: George Rickey, N Lines Horizontal Hanging, 1967, stainless steel, unique, 84 x 24”, courtesy Tate Modern, London and the Estate of George Rickey. Bottom left: George Rickey, Unstable Square Variation No. 3, 1971, stainless steel with wooden base, edition of 8, 28 x 20 x 3 in, courtesy of Marlborough Gallery Inc. and the Estate of George Rickey. Bottom right: George Rickey, Two Planes Vertical Horizontal II, Holywell Manor Garden, Balliol College, Oxford 1969, Stainless steel, 13’5 x 10’6”. Photo courtesy Rob Judgesy

Left: George Rickey, Detail of Harlequin, 1958, stainless steel and polychrome, 78 x 25 x 25 in, photo by Eric Nisly, courtesy of Marlborough Gallery Inc. and the Estate of George Rickey. Right: George Rickey, Four Lines Oblique Gyratory Tall Stem, 1978, four metalic rods, 240 cm, courtesy of Marlborough Gallery Inc. and the Estate of George Rickey

Left: George Rickey, Detail of Harlequin, 1958, stainless steel and polychrome, 78 x 25 x 25 in, photo by Eric Nisly, courtesy of Marlborough Gallery Inc. and the Estate of George Rickey. Right: George Rickey, Four Lines Oblique Gyratory Tall Stem, 1978, four metalic rods, 240 cm, courtesy of Marlborough Gallery Inc. and the Estate of George Rickey

George Rickey, Nebula III, 1989, stainless steel, unique, 61 x 96.5 x 91.4 cm, courtesy of Marlborough Gallery Inc. and the Estate of George Rickey

George Rickey, Nebula III, 1989, stainless steel, unique, 61 x 96.5 x 91.4 cm, courtesy of Marlborough Gallery Inc. and the Estate of George Rickey