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徐世琪个展:Rosy Leavers 的前世今生

“Rosy Leavers 的前世今生”為徐世琪於刺點畫廊舉行的首個個展。展覽將展出她的全新作品,包括繪畫、錄像、髮繡及裝置藝術, 呈現她對精神病及社會操控的延伸研究。藝術家透過剖析自我的精神狀態,探究個人在日常生活的掙扎中追求自主、介入及同理心的可能性和不可能性。展覽是一場自我反省的旅程,徐氏以幻象質問真實感知的探索,繼而在不穩定的因素中尋找自己的定位。展覽以數個中心概念、重覆的圖像及史實交織而成,並分別由心理結構和外在結構兩組脈絡串連。

Angela Su, Rorschach Test No.1, 2016, Ink on drafting film 151.5 x 105 cm, (Image courtesy of artist and Blindspot Gallery)

Angela Su, Rorschach Test No.1, 2016, Ink on drafting film 151.5 x 105 cm, (Image courtesy of artist and Blindspot Gallery)

Angela Su, Please tell me what’s been bothering you (detail), 2017, Digital print on paper, set of 27 21 x 28.5 cm each, Edition of 3 + AP, (Image courtesy of artist and Blindspot Gallery)

Angela Su, Please tell me what’s been bothering you (detail), 2017, Digital print on paper, set of 27 21 x 28.5 cm each, Edition of 3 + AP, (Image courtesy of artist and Blindspot Gallery)

Angela Su, The Afterlife of Rosy Leavers (film still), 2017, Single channel video 14’ 35” ,Edition of 5 + 2AP, (Image courtesy of artist and Blindspot Gallery)

Angela Su, The Afterlife of Rosy Leavers (film still), 2017, Single channel video 14’ 35”
,Edition of 5 + 2AP, (Image courtesy of artist and Blindspot Gallery)

  • Angela Su, Please tell me what’s been bothering you (detail), 2017, Digital print on paper, set of 27 21 x 28.5 cm each, Edition of 3 + AP, (Image courtesy of artist and Blindspot Gallery)

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  • Angela Su, Rorschach Test No.1, 2016, Ink on drafting film 151.5 x 105 cm, (Image courtesy of artist and Blindspot Gallery)

    Angela Su_Rorschach No.1

  • Angela Su, The Afterlife of Rosy Leavers (film still), 2017, Single channel video 14’ 35”
,Edition of 5 + 2AP, (Image courtesy of artist and Blindspot Gallery)

    Angela Su_The Afterlife of Rosy Leavers_still