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  日期格式: 1/30/2012
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2020.08.17 Monday, 文 /


在经历了数月的空间设计与改造后,没顶画廊将在全新空间、以全新姿态,呈现蔡坚、冯至炫、李汉威、陆博宇、陆平原、王梓全、钟慰七位年轻艺术家的最新作品,以绘画、雕塑、视频装置、文本等多元媒介和混合视觉回应当下的数字生态与视觉语言。 >> 更多
2020.06.03 Wednesday, 文 /


香港城市大学“创意媒体学院”现已接受2020硕士申请 >> 更多
2020.04.22 Wednesday, 文 /

(English) We Move Among Ghosts
Jakarta Exhibition Explores the Ephemeral Nature of Values, Symbols, and Systems

(English) I stood at the entrance to Jakarta’s Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics one fine day, and instantly I was transported to another time in a past every born-and-bred Jakartan of a certain age would remember. >> 更多
2020.03.07 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn & Clare Woods
Simon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery, New York, is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring new works by Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn, and Clare Woods. Connected through an interest in figurative representation, the exhibition brings together three artists who present the body in unconventional ways, each exploring contemporary issues surrounding gender, sexuality, society and politics, as well as addressing the long and problematic history of the male gaze. The submissive female subject typically depicted reclining, seated or kneeling, is one of the most recognizable motifs in art history. As seen in this exhibition, Dancy, McGurn, and Woods respond to this convention through disparate methods presenting the figure as alternatively dominant, vulnerable, playful, or even androgynous, restoring to their subjects a sense of agency and recontextualizing the trope for our contemporary moment. >> 更多
2020.02.08 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn & Clare WoodsSimon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery, New York, is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring new works by Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn, and Clare Woods. Connected through an interest in figurative representation, the exhibition brings together three artists who present the body in unconventional ways, each exploring contemporary issues surrounding gender, sexuality, society and politics, as well as addressing the long and problematic history of the male gaze. >> 更多
2020.01.30 Thursday, 文 /


马歇尔·雷斯的纸本作品目前正在HdM画廊展出。雷斯于1936年出生在一个陶瓷艺人家庭,他也许是目前最为知名的法国当代艺术家之一。 >> 更多
2020.01.14 Tuesday, 文 /

(English) João Penalva
Simon Lee Gallery
New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery is proud to announce a solo exhibition by the London-based Portuguese artist, João Penalva. >> 更多
2019.12.19 Thursday, 文 /

News From Nowhere
Simon Lee Gallery, Hong Kong

(English) The exhibition’s title derives from British polymath and socialist activist, William Morris’ 1890 novel of the same name, in which he imagines a utopian future liberated from systems of capitalism. >> 更多
2019.12.18 Wednesday, 文 /

Simon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery is proud to announce a solo exhibition by the London-based Portuguese artist, João Penalva. For his first solo exhibition in New York since 2002, Penalva presents two new series of work based on photographs taken at the São Carlos National Theater, in Lisbon, Portugal, that explore the physical mechanics of theatrical fictions and illusions. >> 更多
2019.12.04 Wednesday, 文 /

驻地研究招募 | 一路向南×越南 2019-2020

广东时代美术馆荣幸地宣布 “一路向南”驻地研究将与位于越南胡志明市的The Factory当代艺术中心进行交换,现公开招募一位中国艺术家前往The Factory当代艺术中心进行驻地研究。与此同时,时代美术馆也将邀请一位越南艺术家来访广州进行一个月的驻地。交换结束后,两位艺术家需各自提交一份详细的创作计划以回应广州及胡志明市这两个选定的地理坐标及其跨本土的地缘政治共鸣,时代美术馆将选择其中一个优胜方案并提供5万元(人民币或等值外币)的委任创作基金。 >> 更多

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