
(852) 2356 2226 / 6015 4224
Opening Hours
黃嘉淇 alice@soundpocket.org.hk

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soundpocket is a registered charitable organization in Hong Kong, founded in 2008 as a direct response to the increasing interest of sound art in Hong Kong, the demand for public awareness and education in the sense of hearing and deep listening, and the need for cultural sensitivity in creative practices. As a promoter, educator, facilitator, and gatherer, soundpocket is committed to the long-term nurturing of active listeners. Since its inception, soundpocket has collaborated with non-profit organizations, small enterprises, independent voice-workers and musicians, and curators of contemporary art on various art and cultural projects. soundpocket positions itself in the fields of sound, art and culture by initiating interdisciplinary projects that bring multiple art forms and a variety of cultural contexts into the focus of sound and listening. In this sense, soundpocket supports not just an art form, but ideas and possibilities that engage with aesthetically meaningful, culturally-grounded and publicly relevant sonic practices, which have a lot to teach about how we understand the world and the experiences yet to be valued. www.soundpocket.org.hk