2015.01.26 Mon, by
Global Exchange and Training Program for Art Specialists—China, USA and Europe: the 1st Beijing Forum

“Global Exchange and Training Program for Art Specialists—China, USA and Europe: the 1st Beijing Forum”

Forum Topic (Beijing): Value Chain and Trends of Contemporary Chinese Art in the Process of Internationalization

Feb 8–13, 2015: 10 sessions (bilingual in English and Chinese)

2nd floor, Building 330, Caochangdi Art District, Beijing


Wonderka Art Management, LLC, New York


Art Bridge Center

Beijing Artnew Space

Beijing Philanthropy of Guoda

Tel: 010-53017399        Wechat: 4635293

Acknowledgement: The Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York


Lecturers :


Peter Eleey, Curator and Associate Director of Exhibitions and Programs, MoMA PS1



Zoe Whitley, Curator, Tate Britain



Elisabeth Sherman, Senior Curatorial Assistant, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York



Josie Brown, Deputy Director, Center of Contemporary Art, Singapore



Christina Yu Yu, Director, USC Pacific Asia Museum



Boyi Feng, Art Director, He Xiangning Museum of Art; Art Critic



Feng Peng, Director, Department of Art Theory, School of Art at Peking University; Curator, China Pavilion at the 54th International Art Exhibition of Venice Biennale



Date 9301200 200430
Feb 8th




Opening Ceremony+Reception+Exhibition

Feb 9th


Lesson 1: Sturtevant: Double Trouble

Lecturer: Peter Eleey



Lesson 2: Contemporary Photographic Practices and the Whitney Biennial

Lecturer: Elisabeth Sherman



Feb 10th


Lesson 3: Connectivity—How do we create and foster more meaningful relationships for young artists from China and Asia wanting to work in the West.

Lecturer: Josie Brown



Lesson 4: In or out of my space (The investigation on the changes and trends in contemporary Chinese art through territorial transition)

Lecturer: Boyi Feng


Feb 11th


Lesson 5: Sample Review of Art Works or Projects

Commenters: All the lecturers


Lesson 6: Paths to the Real: Processes of Contemporary Art in China

Lecturer: Feng Peng


Feb 12th


Lesson 7: Expanding the canon, Exploding the canon: Curating international contemporary art

Lecturer: Zoe Whitley


Lesson 8: Recent Perspectives on the Development of Contemporary Asian Art

Lecturer: Christina Yu Yu


Feb 13th


Lesson 9: The Modern Operations of Art Finance

Lecturer: Huamin Junlian


Lesson 10: Review of the 1st New York Section + Farewell Party

Lecturer: Derek Dai, Ying Li



a) The lunch break is 12:00-2:00 with free lunch provided for the attendees.

b) The last 30 minutes of each lesson is the Q&A period for the attendees.



Registration Fee: 10 000 RMB per person; group registration (3 or more) can benefit from a 10% discount.

Tel: 010-53017399


Derek Dai (Director, Art Bridge Center, Beijing)

Email: derekdai@wonderka.com

Cellphone: 18611132582

Wechat: 4635293

Huang Zhi

Email: zhihuang@artbridgecenter.com

Cellphone: 13701393519

Wechat: HZHIBJ

Zheng Jie

Email: jiezheng@artbridgecenter.com

Cellphone: 18201256531

Wechat: zjsummer2


Lodging: Participants can find their own lodging or else choose to stay at the same hotel as the lecturers (images below). For more details, please inquire with the organizers.



Global Exchange and Training Program for Art Elites in China, USA and Europe

Review of the 1st New York Section, Nov 2–10, 2014 

(in Chinese only)

Wonderka Art Management, New York 依托北京艺海廊桥文化艺术中心,联合中、美、欧顶尖的艺术院校、艺术机构、知名媒体和社会名流,在北京、纽约、伦敦、巴黎四城市全面推出“中、美、欧艺术精英全球交流和培训项目”。该项目由北京班、纽约班和欧洲班三部分构成,我们邀请和组织国际著名艺术人士,以中、短期培训和考察为主要形式(含专题授课、实地参访、交流体验等), 与国际展览和销售相结合,为中国艺术家、收藏家、艺术机构经理人、策展人、艺术教育工作者、艺术院校学生及其它相关艺术人士掌握国际最新、最前沿的咨询和进一步开拓国际空间提供平台,为进一步推动中国艺术市场的国际化和进一步提升中国艺术家和艺术品的国际地位作出努力。

2014年11月2日-10日,首期纽约班已在美国纽约成功举办。来自中国大陆和台湾地区的10余位艺术人士与Wonderka一道,受到了纽约地区顶尖艺术机构的热情接待,其中包括现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)、古根海姆博物馆(Guggenheim)、大都会博物馆(Metropolitan)等博物馆的讲座,了解美国顶尖博物馆的运作模式;Ethan Cohen画廊、James  Cohan画廊、Asya Geisberg画廊等顶尖画廊的考察,熟悉美国画廊的盈利模式和艺术家的挑选;纽约艺术基金会的作品陈述和专家评审团现场点评;与美国艺术家和当地华人艺术家互动联欢,深入了解了纽约艺术家的创作、定价和营销模式。本次交流和培训获得学员一致好评。





Auction Houses:




Sample Work Review:


Storm King Art Center:



Announcement about the 2nd New York Session & 1st Europe Session:

The 2nd New York Session

Date: May 3–16, 2015

Main Topics: Contemporary Art Collection in North America

  • Entry hurdles to the US art market
  • How to get feedback from art professionals and curators in the U.S
  • Private and Corporate Collections in the U.S and China


The 1st European Session

Date: June 19–30, 2015

Main Topics: Investigation of the European Art Market

  • Comparisons between top museums in Europe and China
  • The business model of galleries and the selection of artists in Europe and China
  • The advantages and disadvantages of European and Chinese artists in the global art market