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2015.06.10 Wed, by
Global Exchange Program for Art Specialists in China, USA and Europe

• Wonderka Art Management, LLC, New York • Paris 依托北京艺海廊桥文化艺术中心、中国国际广播电台国际在线书画频道、国大公益等中国艺术传播机构,联合中、美、欧顶尖艺术机构和院校,在北京、上海、纽约、伦敦、巴黎等城市全面推出“中、美、欧艺术精英全球交流项目”。

• 该项目由中国模块―国际艺术精英课程、美国模块――纽约文化艺术深度之旅、欧洲模块―欧洲文化艺术深度之旅三个部分构成。

• Wonderka邀请国际著名艺术人士,以短期课程和考察访问为形式,融专题授课、实地参访、交流座谈、策展和收藏咨询为一体, 与海外高端文化艺术活动紧密结合,为中国广大艺术爱好者深度考察欧、美文化艺术提供高品质的服务。

行程表 Itinerary

(Topic and Notes)
7/02 从北京或上海出发, 当晚下午抵达伦敦 专车接送到伦敦中心区域酒店
7/03 上午:大英博物馆 欧洲艺术博物馆的运作模式、策展标准和对艺术家的选择
7/04 上午:苏富比拍卖行 欧洲拍卖市场分析和艺术收藏趋势
下午:苏富比学院 艺术管理和艺术教育
7/05 伦敦地区主要画廊(高古轩、佩斯、马乐伯、白立方、蛇形) 中、欧画廊的盈利模式核对艺术品的甄选,欧洲市场的准入门槛
7/06 上午:泰特现代艺术馆 欧洲艺术博物馆的运作模式、策展标准和对艺术家的选择
7/07 上午:皇家艺术学院 英国艺术教育体系和成功经验
7/08 上午:高古轩画廊,瓦勒德马恩当代美术馆 公立和私立美术馆的异同
中午:与蓬皮杜主席Bernard Blistène共进午餐
7/09 上午:瓦勒德马恩当代美术馆
7/10 上午:LV基金会 艺术基金会的运营和管理
下午:凯布朗利博物馆,东京宫 专业美术馆的定位和营运
7/11 上午:卢浮宫 法国艺术博物馆的运作模式、策展标准和对艺术家的选择
7/12 上午:国立巴黎高等美术学院 法国艺术教育体系和成功经验
下午:奥赛美术馆,佳士得拍卖行 欧洲拍卖时常分析和艺术收藏趋势
7/13 返回北京或上海 国航直飞

第一期欧洲文化艺术深度之旅(行程) The 1st Tour for Art and Culture in Europe

第1天,7月3日 (July 3rd)
上午(Morning Events):
Visit the British Museum: Established in 1753, the British Museum is the oldest and the most magnificent comprehensive museum, and is among the largest and most famous museums worldwide. Its permanent collection, numbering 8 million works, include antiques, books, and treasures from all continents.
下午(Afternoon Events):
Visit the Victoria and Albert Museum: the world’s largest museum of decorative arts and design, housing a permanent collection of over 4.5 million objects. It was founded in 1852 and in 1899, Queen Victoria changed the name to Victoria and Albert in memory of her husband Pince Albert.

第2天,7月4日 (July 4th)
上午(Morning Events):参观苏富比拍卖行
下午(Afternoon Events):参观伦敦苏富比艺术学院

第3天,7月5日 (July 5th)
上午(Morning Events):
Gallery visits: Gagosian, Pace, White Cube, Marlborough, etc.
下午(Afternoon Events):
Established in 1970, the Serpentine is redesigned by different architecture teams each year. It’s one of the most popular contemporary art galleries in London, attracting about 1.2 million visitors each year. Notable artists whose works have been exhibited there include Man Ray, Henry Moore, Andy Warhol, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Marina Abramović, etc.


第4天,7月6日 (July 6th)
上午(Morning Events):
Visit Tate Modern: Britain’s national gallery of international modern art which is part of the Tate group (together with Tate Britain, Tate Liverpool, Tate St Ives and Tate Online). Tate holds the national collection of British art from 1900 to the present day and international modern and contemporary art, including masterpieces from Matisse, Picasso, Rothko, etc.
下午(Afternoon Events):
Visit Tate Britain: The oldest gallery in the network, having opened in 1897. It’s the national gallery of British art from1500 to the present day. As such, it is the most comprehensive collection of its kind in the world. More recent artists include David Hockney, Peter Blake and Francis Bacon.

第5天,7月7日 (July 7th)
上午(Morning Events):
参观皇家艺术学院, 成立于1837年,是世界最著名的艺术设计学院之一,也是唯一的只有研究生阶段的艺术设计学院,课程讲授者均为国际知名艺术家,从业者和理论家。 毕业生中家喻户晓的名字有詹姆斯戴森,真空Dyson吸尘器的发明者;雷德利斯科特,好莱坞的大片导演;桑德拉罗德斯,英国著名服装设计师;菲利普崔西 ,是当代超现实帽饰设计师和艺术鉴赏家
Visit the Royal College of Art: established in 1837, it is one of the most famous art and design schools in the world, and the world’s only wholly postgraduate art and design institution. Professors teaching here are all renowned artists, practitioners, and theorists. Notable alumni include James Dyson, the inventor of Dyson Vacuum; Ridley Scott, a famous director at Hollywood; Zandra Rhodes, a famous fashion designer in UK, among others.
下午(Afternoon Events):
Take the Eurostar from London to Paris (about 2.5 hours)


第6天,7月8日 (July 8th)
上午 (Morning Events):
Visit Gagosian Paris
下午 (Afternoon Events):
参观蓬皮杜国家艺术文化中心​: 位于著名的拉丁区北侧、塞纳河右岸,是根据法国已故总统蓬皮杜的创议而建立的。它是一座新型的、现代化的知识、艺术与生活相结合的宝库。人们在这里可以通过现代化的技术和手段,吸收知识、欣赏艺术、丰富生活) 4楼:大型当代艺术展览 “Une Histoire” (首席策展人Christine Macel策展); 5楼:现代艺术典藏
Visit the Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou: located in the north of the famous Latin Quarter, on the right bank of the Seine, it is established based on the former French President Georges Pompidou’s initiative. It is a treasure of new and modern knowledge, with the combination of art and life, where people can absorb knowledge, appreciate arts and enrich life through modern technology.
Level 4: the contemporary art large exhibition “Une Histoire” by chief curator Christine Macel; Level 5: the modern art collection (new display of the collection).


第7天,7月9日 (July 9th)
上午 (Morning Events):
Visit Mac/Val: The first museum to be entirely dedicated to the French 50s art scene. The museum project matured and developed for nearly fifteen years following the creation of the Departmental Contemporary Art Fund in 1982. Among the 2000 works of art in its collection, there are well-known artists but also emerging ones, confirming its desire to favorably promote contemporary creation.
下午 (Afternoon Events):
Visit Jeu De Paume: The building was constructed in 1861 during the reign of Napoleon III. It originally housed real tennis courts. From 2004, it has since developed into a centre for modern and postmodern photography and media, mounting survey exhibitions on Ed Ruscha (2006), Cindy Sherman (2006), Martin Parr (2009), and William Kentridge (2010), among others.
Visit Musée Picasso


第8天,7月10日 (July 10th)
上午(Morning Events):
Visit the Louis Vuitton Foundation: Founded in 2006, this is an art museum and cultural center sponsored by the group LVMH and its subsidiaries but run as a legally separate, nonprofit entity as part of its promotion of art and culture. The $143 million museum in Paris has been completed and was opened with a concert by the pianist Lang Lang on October 28, 2014.The new building was designed by the architect Frank Gehry.
下午(Afternoon Events):
Visit Musée du Quai de Branly: It features the indigenous art and cultures of Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. The museum collection has 450,000 objects, of which 3,500 are on display at any given time, in both permanent and temporary thematic exhibits. A selection of objects from themuseum is also displayed in the Pavillon des Sessions of the Louvre Museum.


第9天,7月11日 (July 11th)
上午(Morning Events):
Visit the Lourve: It is one of the world’s largest museums and a historic monument in Paris, France. Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 21st century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square meters. The Louvre is the world’s most visited museum, and received more than 9.7 million visitors in 2012.
下午(Afternoon Events):
Musée du quai Branly: It houses a variety of important medieval artifacts, in particular its tapestry collection. Other notable works stored there include early medieval sculptures from the seventh and eighth centuries, and works of gold, ivory, antique furnishings, stained glass, and illuminated manuscripts.
Visit Musée national Eugène Delacroix: opened in 1971, the museum used to be the studio and house of Eugène Delacroix from 1857 to 1863. Today the museum contains Delacroix’s works, memorabilia and furniture he had used, exhibiting pictures from nearly every phase of his career.


第10天,7月12日 (July 12th)
上午 (Morning Events):
Visit the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts: Founded in 1648, the school numbers amongst its alumni notable artists such as Edgar Degas, Eugène Delacroix, Claude Monet, and Henri Matisse. Many notable Chinese artists, such as Xu Beihong, Lin Fengmian, Yan Wenliang, Pan Yuliang, Wu Guanzhong, Fengbai Li, all graduated from this school.
下午(Afternoon Events):
Visit the Musée d’Orsay: Once called “the most beautiful museum in Europe”, it is located on the left bank of the Seine and is across the Seine with the Louvre. It houses the largest collection of impressionist and post-impressionist masterpieces in the world, by painters including Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, Cézanne, Seurat, Sisley, Gauguin and Van Gogh.
Visit Christie’ in Paris.


Introduction to the Speakers of the 1st Tour for Art and Culture in Europe

Bernard Blistène Musée national d’art moderne–Centre Pompidou 蓬皮杜国家艺术文化中心馆长

Bernard Blistène
Musée national d’art moderne–Centre Pompidou


Christine Macel Chief Curator at the Musée national d’art moderne–Centre Pompidou 蓬皮杜国家艺术文化中心首席策展人,第55界威尼斯双年展法国馆策展人

Christine Macel
Chief Curator at the Musée national d’art moderne–Centre Pompidou


Lizzie Carey-Thomas Curator, Tate Britain 泰特不列颠策展人

Lizzie Carey-Thomas
Curator, Tate Britain


Zoe Whitley Curator, Contemporary British Art at Tate Britain; Curator, International Art at Tate Modern 泰特不列颠当代英国艺术策展人,泰特现代美术馆国际艺术策展人

Zoe Whitley
Curator, Contemporary British Art at Tate Britain;
Curator, International Art at Tate Modern


Emilie Bouvard Curator, Musée Picasso 毕加索美术馆策展人

Emilie Bouvard
Curator, Musée Picasso


Anaïs Aguerre Head of National & International Strategy, Victoria and Albert Museum 维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆国际部主任

Anaïs Aguerre
Head of National & International Strategy, Victoria and Albert Museum


Marta Gili  Director, Jeu de Paume  国立网球场现代艺术馆馆长

Marta Gili
Director, Jeu de Paume

1991至2006年期间担任 ‘La Caixa’基金会摄影和视觉艺术部主任,1994-1997年间担任法国文化部当代艺术基金会收藏委员会成员,2006年10月起担任国立网球场现代艺术馆馆长

Dominique de Font-Réaulx Director, Musée Delacroix; Curator, Musée du Louvre 德拉克罗瓦博物馆总监,卢浮宫策展人

Dominique de Font-Réaulx
Director, Musée Delacroix; Curator, Musée du Louvre


Alexia Fabre  Director, Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne (Mac/Val) 瓦勒德马恩当代美术馆总监

Alexia Fabre
Director, Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne (Mac/Val)


Stéphane Martin  President, Musée du quai Branly  凯布朗利博物馆主席

Stéphane Martin
President, Musée du quai Branly
