

  EX: 1/30/2012
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2017.05.12 Fri - 2017.08.12 Sat
Opening Exhibition
愚园路1086号, 长宁区,上海 1086 YuYuan Lu, Changning District
Opening Hours
Tuesday through Sunday
10am to 7pm

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Community Hosptial’ exhibition in Shanghai
[Press Release]

No one has ever called the process of urban renewal considerate. The rendering of cultivated neighborhoods barren, and the slow regeneration of their working parts under more financially advantageous auspices is an invasive, ceaseless operation.No individual would sign themselves up this.


With each reiteration on its forward roll, the renewal of urban spaces extends a ripple into the fabric of the individual and into the community. The city’s mesh of thick and twisty layers absorbs each wave, quietly and caustically, with time.Despite cultural debasement and the stuff of personal tragedy for a deeply rooted few, the honking call of gentrification is heeded at each of its demands. The residents, if they stick to the reanimated flesh, are presented with an unfamiliar space outside of their own terms.

This imprecise process often goes unmeasured. Individuals submit to it tacitly.erutuF examines the process of decay and reconstruction through the individual thinking and rites of construction significant relationships.

More than 16 different artists and groups have come forward to exhibit works to explore this theme, they include:

Exhibiting artists:

Island6 Arts (International)

Richard Fenwick (UK)

WeAre Collective (International)

Monika Lin (USA)

Christophe Demaitre (Belgium)

Kurihara Jugo (Japan)

Zhang Xianyong (China)

LogArtOn Collective (International)

Roland Darjes (Germany)

Chen Hangfeng (China)

Panos Dimitropoulos (Greece)

Guanyi Ming (China)

Virginie Lerouge Knight (France)

Daniele Mattioli (Italy)

Hidemi Shimura (Japan)

Zane Mellupe-Goutard(LV/FRA)

The latest in a series of exhibitions presented by WhyWhyArt and curated by Zane Mellupe - Goutard that explore urban renewal, erutuF is the beginning of a site-specific project to enable local interaction in the midst of this process in Nanjing’s Pukou district. As the community and individual together wade through the process of renewal, the broader concerns will be given a platform through the individual’s creative processes through collaboration, exhibition, and intervention.

was now too late rather than to early. The cycle of gentrification fulfilled itself and changed littleelse.

The next project in the series, the Community Hospital exhibition in Shanghai’s Changning district, co-opted the process of regeneration for the community’s social needs. By repurposing an old, defunct public hospital into a vibrant and receptive a rt space, the exhibition took the thematic mold of health care in its public and private iterations. Art is cathartic at a personal level but, as Community Hospital showed, can also be socially holistic in the healing process of a community. Artists presen ted ailments which, through community outreach, could find popular remediation. The success of Community Hospital rooted in the network of the local arts scene, a lesson that erutuF will take to the beginning of the urban renewal process.

The most recent exhibition in the series, “Babel Me,” showed at the Shanghai Museum of Glass and took a scalped focus on the issues of urban renewal as they interact in Shaghai’s northern Baoshan distinct, and what explanation this offers for Shanghai and other expanding cities. In parallel realization with an major international conference for architects and urban developers on the wiped - down topic of Urban Development, Babel Me involved 20 different local and international artists to undress the topics under attention by the developers in attendance. This renegade system offered a preliminary model for how culture may wield say - so in the planning and thinking processes of development.

erutuF provides the grounds for intervention and remediation in real time. This initial exhibition opens the grounds for individual experience to take the vanguard of a community’s concern through collaborative experimental processing.

Incorporating the insights grown through the previous urban renewal exhibitions presented by Zane Mellupe - Goutard, erutuF is perspective enacted.