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Migration Exhibition





In today’s modern globalized world, many people choose or are forced to uproot and relocate to another place for many different reasons – economic, political, cultural, religious, and environmental. As people travel around the world, they bring their traditions, knowledge, and beliefs with them, often mixing their cultures with those of their new homes. However, even after settling down in their new homes, often they found themselves not easily assimilating to the new culture, resulting to a strong feeling of displacement, alienation and loneliness.
In this exhibition, artists explore the issues related to migration relevant to our increasingly globalized society, looking specifically at identity, authenticity, inter-culturalism, and tradition vs. modernity. Artists featured in this exhibition are Heung Kin-fung Alex, Hu Renyi, Jorge Mayet and Zhang Ning, each create works of art in different mediums that address their experiences of migration and express their sense of displacement and alienation, whilst exploring their role as an artist in today’s increasingly globalized world.
In true sense, the world does not globalize; rather, people stay close to their roots and traditions despite of their physical migration. Cultural differences keep people living in “social villages” preventing true integration of multi-cultural, cosmopolitan societies.

- Leo Li


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