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ASHLEY YEO “You Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy”
FOST Gallery, Singapore

FOST Gallery is proud to showcase You Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy by Ashley Yeo.

You Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy is an exploration between longing and post-grieving. Referring to our anthropocentric values that rely more on perception than reality, Yeo seeks to illustrate elegiac objectives that contribute to an artistic culture that illuminate and delight while also portraying the decaying state of existing social relations. It also reveals her reality as an artist, making works as a palliative for society’s modern ills, while holding a very strong and very sad relationship with humanity. As we progress, you must continue to believe that Sisyphus is happy.

This exhibition is part of a series entitled Foursight. The impetus for the Foursight series was the significance of Singapore’s 50th year of independence. While we commemorate the events of the last five decades, it is also important to look forward. Foursight is an attempt to project into and chart the future through these young artists.

Izziyana Suhaimi, Ashley Yeo, Luke Heng and Khairullah Rahim, each in their own right, are artists of incredible talent, whom we hope will play a part in Singapore’s art history.

  • 屏幕快照 2015-05-22 下午10.50.00

    屏幕快照 2015-05-22 下午10.50.00