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  日期格式: 1/30/2012
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Interviews, 2020.12.16 Wednesday, 文 /

(English) Ashley Bickerton
Seascapes At The End Of History

(English) Born in Barbados in 1959, Ashley Bickerton had a peripatetic childhood across four continents, from Guyana to Ghana, on to the Balearic Islands and England, then finally Hawaii. His upbringing followed the career of his Anglo-American father, the eminent linguist Derek Bickerton, who researched creole languages and theorised on the formation of human language. >> 更多
Interviews, 2020.04.22 Wednesday, 文 /

(English) We Move Among Ghosts
Jakarta Exhibition Explores the Ephemeral Nature of Values, Symbols, and Systems

(English) I stood at the entrance to Jakarta’s Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics one fine day, and instantly I was transported to another time in a past every born-and-bred Jakartan of a certain age would remember. >> 更多
访谈, 2018.09.25 Tuesday, 文 /

(English) Rachel Lehmann – interview

(English) Sitting at a small table in the Lehmann Maupin booth at Art Basel Hong Kong, Chris Moore spoke with Rachel Lehmann about how she became involved with art, galleries and Hong Kong. >> 更多
访谈, 2016.01.19 Tuesday, 文 /

(English) Mutant Mystique—The S T P I network

(English) To its fans, it is simply STPI., one of the genuine heroines of the East Asia art scene. And yes, though blessed with super powers, it has to fight to be free and, as in so many superhero stories, that often means nervous government people who don’t quite understand how special it is. >> 更多
访谈, 2015.11.28 Saturday, 文 /


伦敦近期的四场展览提醒我们:为何“抽象”绘画依然激发着对于“画为何物”的领悟。这四场秀都避免了“孔雀尾”式的华丽展示——此种繁缛的装饰如今通常被称为“僵尸抽象主义”。 >> 更多
访谈, 2015.01.22 Thursday, 文 /


“艺术登陆新加坡”赢来开门红,吸引到了不少东亚地区的藏家前来看展,而前期的销售成绩也是可圈可点。“艺术登陆新加坡”将自身定位为东南亚艺术的顶尖艺博会,今年更有着强劲的国际范...... >> 更多
访谈, 2014.04.23 Wednesday, 文 /

(English) Gajah Gallery

(English) Since 1996, Gajah Gallery has been a pioneering body in the Southeast Asian arts scene, representing a portfolio of the region’s leading artists as well as engaging the brightest emerging talents in contemporary art today. >> 更多
访谈, 2013.03.15 Friday, 文 /


樂曼慕品畫廊一直致力發掘及栽培現今最傑出的當代藝術家,更延伸至包括來自韓國、日本、台灣以及中國大陸等地區出色的 […] >> 更多