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  日期格式: 1/30/2012
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momentum, 2014.05.29 Thursday, 文 /

(English) Theo Eshetu: The Return of the Axum Obelisk

(English) This screening marks the first step in a future collaborative initiative between MOMENTUM and Viva Con Agua in Ethiopia which will engage local artists an enable them to create new works to benefit their communities and to be shown internationally. >> 更多
momentum, 2020.05.10 Sunday, 文 /


(English) With the eyes and hearts of the world locked onto the threat and aftermath of COVID-19, MOMENTUM gathers 19 exceptional artists from its Collection, and invites you to come see their stories on our website. >> 更多
momentum, 2020.05.10 Sunday, 文 /


(English) With the eyes and hearts of the world locked onto the threat and aftermath of COVID-19, MOMENTUM gathers 19 exceptional artists from its Collection, and invites you to come see their stories on our website. >> 更多
momentum, 2016.09.15 Thursday, 文 /

光年 | 第一届道滘新艺术节

第一届道滘新艺术节,发起人范明正、项目总监李战豪与艺术总监李振华,邀请海内外知名艺术机构动量(MOMENTUM)创始总监、魏玛包豪斯大学 客座教授瑞秋•芮斯•沃洛荷博士与当代艺术调查局(ABI )一同策划“绘画与图像”、“装置与委托创作”、“新媒体建筑投影”与“放电影”4个单元,汇集来自17个国家,79位艺术家的作品,散布于道滘镇的艺文街区中。 >> 更多
momentum, 2016.09.13 Tuesday, 文 /


(2016年9月12日,中国上海)上海当代艺术博物馆首次公布本次双年展主题展的全部参展艺术家名单以及25件参展作品方案。会议还介绍了"51人"、"复策展平台"以及"城市项目"的最新进度。本次双年展由印度Raqs媒体小组担任主策展人。 >> 更多
momentum, 2016.03.19 Saturday, 文 /

(English) MOMENTUM and Videotage
for Art Basel Hong Kong

(English) Acentered: Reterritorised Network of European and Chinese Moving Image during Art Basel Hong Kong. Presented by the Art Basel Crowdfunding Initiative, Acentered is part of the Crowdfunding Lab and curated by Videotage. >> 更多
momentum, 2014.10.19 Sunday, 文 /

(English) ‘Fragments of Empires’ Opening Weekend

(English) "Fragments of Empires" is an exhibition of contemporary art that addresses issues of memory, identity and the impact of migration through three different time-based media: sound, film and photography. >> 更多
momentum, 2014.10.18 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Fragments of Empires

(English) "Fragments of Empires" is an exhibition of contemporary art that addresses issues of memory, identity and the impact of migration through three different time-based media: sound, film and photography. Throughout the exhibition ‘fragments of empires’ are revealed through the notion of ‘object memories’ as artists examine how objects, and associations related to them, have been transferred and re-imprinted through historical processes of colonisation and migration, moving in this way from one culture to another. >> 更多
momentum, 2014.02.10 Monday, 文 /

(English) INTERSECTION:Film and Video Art Panel Discussion and Screening for CINEMA TOTAL

(English) Cinema Total’s special focus in 2014 is the intersection of film and video art. This panel explores the increasingly osmotic borders between film and video art, which find more filmmakers creating gallery-based work and artists making works inspired by cinema and its methods. >> 更多