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  日期格式: 1/30/2012
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2016.10.31 Monday, 文 /


2016年10月19日,“北京SKP具象艺术展”拉开帷幕,展览展出了41位当下具有代表性的中青年艺术家的绘画、雕塑作品共115件。 >> 更多
Interviews, 2020.12.16 Wednesday, 文 /

(English) Ashley Bickerton
Seascapes At The End Of History

(English) Born in Barbados in 1959, Ashley Bickerton had a peripatetic childhood across four continents, from Guyana to Ghana, on to the Balearic Islands and England, then finally Hawaii. His upbringing followed the career of his Anglo-American father, the eminent linguist Derek Bickerton, who researched creole languages and theorised on the formation of human language. >> 更多
Interviews, 2020.08.20 Thursday, 文 /

(English) Qiu Shihua: “Empty / Not Empty”

(English) Galerie Urs Meile takes great pleasure to announce the opening of Empty / Not Empty, Qiu Shihua’s (*1940, lives and works in Beijing, Sacramento and Shenzhen) first appearance since his last show seven years ago in our gallery in Lucerne. >> 更多
Interviews, 2020.08.14 Friday, 文 /


北京UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心呈现当代绘画领军人物伊丽莎白·佩顿中国首展。 >> 更多
访谈, 2020.07.04 Saturday, 文 /


已过九旬的亚历克斯·卡茨(Alex Katz)以其清晰分明的视觉和绘画风格闻名于世。我们通过电话与卡茨聊了聊他的影响、最近的展览以及他所有作品中最重要的一位模特——他的妻子和长达60年的灵感缪斯,艾达(Ada)。 >> 更多
访谈, 2020.06.30 Tuesday, 文 /


尽管疫情仍在全球蔓延,但在5月底的北京,随着画廊周北京的举办和两家新美术馆的开馆展,艺术界似乎在逐步恢复展览的节奏,然而6月初新发地疫情的出现,又让北京绷紧了神经。 >> 更多
访谈, 2020.03.07 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn & Clare Woods
Simon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery, New York, is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring new works by Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn, and Clare Woods. Connected through an interest in figurative representation, the exhibition brings together three artists who present the body in unconventional ways, each exploring contemporary issues surrounding gender, sexuality, society and politics, as well as addressing the long and problematic history of the male gaze. The submissive female subject typically depicted reclining, seated or kneeling, is one of the most recognizable motifs in art history. As seen in this exhibition, Dancy, McGurn, and Woods respond to this convention through disparate methods presenting the figure as alternatively dominant, vulnerable, playful, or even androgynous, restoring to their subjects a sense of agency and recontextualizing the trope for our contemporary moment. >> 更多
访谈, 2020.02.08 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn & Clare WoodsSimon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery, New York, is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring new works by Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn, and Clare Woods. Connected through an interest in figurative representation, the exhibition brings together three artists who present the body in unconventional ways, each exploring contemporary issues surrounding gender, sexuality, society and politics, as well as addressing the long and problematic history of the male gaze. >> 更多
访谈, 2020.01.30 Thursday, 文 /


马歇尔·雷斯的纸本作品目前正在HdM画廊展出。雷斯于1936年出生在一个陶瓷艺人家庭,他也许是目前最为知名的法国当代艺术家之一。 >> 更多
访谈, 2020.01.13 Monday, 文 /

(English) France-Lise McGurn
Simon Lee Gallery

(English) Simon Lee Gallery is proud to announce Percussia a solo exhibition of new work by Glasgow-based artist France-Lise McGurn. This is the artist’s debut exhibition with the gallery and the first in London since Sleepless, her 2019 solo exhibition at Tate Britain. >> 更多

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