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  日期格式: 1/30/2012
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2015.08.26 Wednesday, 文 /


1950年,東京畫廊+BTAP作爲日本最初的當代美術畫廊在銀座開設成立,2010年迎來了開廊60周年。 >> 更多
2015.06.29 Monday, 文 /

(English) CIMAM 2015 Travel Grant Programme, Tokyo (Japan)

(English) CIMAM offers 24 grants to support the attendance of modern and contemporary art curators and museum or collection directors to CIMAM’s 2015 Annual Conference, How Global can Museums be? >> 更多
2015.06.06 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Palais de Tokyo

(English) Palais de Tokyo was created in 2002: Its liveliness, joyfulness, and adventurous approach made Paris sit up and take notice. >> 更多
2020.12.26 Saturday, 文 /


本次展览将展出包括希腊、法国、韩国、喀麦隆、美国、日本、泰国、委内瑞拉、新加坡、伊朗、意大利、印度、英国、越南、中国在内的23个国家80多位艺术家共计140余件套作品,汇集了不同文化背景下的艺术创作。 >> 更多
2020.12.17 Thursday, 文 /


联合欢乐港湾海滨文化公园海洋与大陆、城市与自然交融的环境优势,做出场地特定介入,策划展览国内外艺术家及建筑师在地创作的13组公共艺术作品 >> 更多
2020.09.09 Wednesday, 文 /

菲利普·帕雷诺 :《表现形式》(Manifestations)

《表现形式(Manifestations)》是菲利普·帕雷诺(Philippe Parreno)在施博尔画廊的第八次个展。其包括跨越多种媒介的作品:微粒合成的背景音乐、电脑三维动画电影、大气传感器、机械系统、计算机代码、冰和水。 >> 更多
2020.06.30 Tuesday, 文 /


尽管疫情仍在全球蔓延,但在5月底的北京,随着画廊周北京的举办和两家新美术馆的开馆展,艺术界似乎在逐步恢复展览的节奏,然而6月初新发地疫情的出现,又让北京绷紧了神经。 >> 更多
访谈, 2020.06.16 Tuesday, 文 /

(English) Simon Mordant
Contemporary Collector, Modern Philanthropist

(English) Simon Mordant is one of Australia’s most prolific art collectors and philanthropists. As chair of Australia’s Museum of Contemporary Art and as Australia’s past Venice Biennale Pavilion Commissioner, Mordant has been one of the major forces driving modernization of Australia’s visual arts scene. >> 更多
访谈, 2020.01.13 Monday, 文 /

(English) Travelling from the corners of East Java to a 19th century church in Islington, Edouard Malingue Gallery (Hong Kong, Shanghai) is thrilled to present ‘Madakaripura’ the first solo presentation in London of the Indonesian collective Tromarama (est. 2006, Bandung). Marking the last exhibition in the gallery’s temporary project space, Tromarama transport us to a historical waterfall, which is believed to be the last place where Gajah Mada (c. 1290 - c. 1364) - a central figure in Indonesian culture who used to be a Mahapatih or Prime Minister in the Majapahit empire - meditated before he reached Moksa, a term for various forms of emancipation and enlightenment >> 更多
访谈, 2020.01.10 Friday, 文 /

(English) Ji Dachun
“Rain in rain, cloud in cloud, at no one’s fingertips”
Nagel Draxler, Berlin

(English) To describe Ji Dachun as a post-internet artist, at first sight seems inadequate. His painting doesn’t appear as particularly technoid or media based. At the heart of his more recent work, however, is to create a possible syntax of his medium along the transmitted painterly forms, and so to speak “to write and continue to write” its CODE. >> 更多

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