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2011.11.29 Tue, by
Made Up Interview
An Interview with MadeIn Company founder, Xu Zhen

CM: Was this interview free?
XZ: This interview was deep and unforgettable.

CM: That bad, huh? Well, for the sake of cliché, how would you wish to change the world for the better?

XZ: Make it chaotic.


CM: Does art as a thing really exist (any more)?

XZ: Art wouldn’t exist independently.

CM: True but is the term “art” almost irrelevant to what you do? It seems so old fashioned. Your production could be just as successfully shown in a supermarket, on the street, in a factory, as in an art gallery, if not more so.

XZ: Right.

CM: The Russian filmmaker Andrej Tarkovsky wrote, “Never try to convey your idea to the audience — it is a thankless and senseless task. Show them life, and they’ll find within themselves the means to assess and appreciate it.” Are MadeIn’s ideas successfully communicated?

XZ: As long as it is communicated, then it’s fine.

CM: What questions should I have asked you? (And which ones would you not have answered?)
XZ: At the moment there aren’t any questions.

(Interview conducted over email from September to October 2011.)