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  日期格式: 1/30/2012
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艺术家档案, 2020.11.03 Tuesday, 文 /

(English) Võ An Khánh – When Documentary Photographs Are No Longer Mementos

(English) Whereas abundant journalistic snapshots tend to collect spectacles of ghastly pain and fortify demarcations between utterly simplified factions, Võ’s most haunting pictures unveil encounters, precarious and transient. >> 更多
艺术家档案, 2020.09.09 Wednesday, 文 /


乌戈·罗迪纳最近的雕塑作品 "修女+僧侣 "在艺术家三十二年前引入的叙事中占据了应有的位置。一个由永远不会停止与其他篇章互动的篇章所组成的叙事,其所穿越的轨迹中充满了互文性的疑问、往复、求生、位移和造型与态度的重塑,抑或是不断被重新交涉的审问。 >> 更多
Artist profiles, 2020.09.01 Tuesday, 文 /

展示与讲述: 曹雨的性别化象征

曹雨的作品极简、观念,且蓄意挑衅,这是她对材料的物性进行考量之后的发挥,从传统的大理石、绷紧的亚麻画布——到令人意想不到甚至越界的物质,包括艺术家自己的头发、乳汁、尿液以及它们多重的象征意义。 >> 更多
Artist profiles, 2020.07.26 Sunday, 文 /


点击在线浏览 前波画廊诚挚地宣布将在美国艺术经销商协会(ADAA)线上展厅展出《郭鸿蔚:在人民间》。自其200 […] >> 更多
Artist profiles, 2020.06.30 Tuesday, 文 /


尽管疫情仍在全球蔓延,但在5月底的北京,随着画廊周北京的举办和两家新美术馆的开馆展,艺术界似乎在逐步恢复展览的节奏,然而6月初新发地疫情的出现,又让北京绷紧了神经。 >> 更多
艺术家档案, 2020.06.17 Wednesday, 文 /

柳溪 Paradox

(English) Echoes of the transgressive works of the early 2000s resound in the ceramics practice of Liu Xi (b.1986, Zibo, Shandong). Liu’s frank exploration of gender and sexuality is courageous. >> 更多
访谈, 2020.06.16 Tuesday, 文 /

(English) Simon Mordant
Contemporary Collector, Modern Philanthropist

(English) Simon Mordant is one of Australia’s most prolific art collectors and philanthropists. As chair of Australia’s Museum of Contemporary Art and as Australia’s past Venice Biennale Pavilion Commissioner, Mordant has been one of the major forces driving modernization of Australia’s visual arts scene. >> 更多
访谈, 2020.05.28 Thursday, 文 /


(English) A prize is always as much about the giver as the receiver. This year’s inaugural Sigg Prize, successor to the esteemed Chinese Contemporary Art Award (CCAA), was as much about M+ as it was about the winner, Hong Kong’s own Samson Yung. >> 更多
访谈, 2020.03.07 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn & Clare Woods
Simon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery, New York, is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring new works by Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn, and Clare Woods. Connected through an interest in figurative representation, the exhibition brings together three artists who present the body in unconventional ways, each exploring contemporary issues surrounding gender, sexuality, society and politics, as well as addressing the long and problematic history of the male gaze. The submissive female subject typically depicted reclining, seated or kneeling, is one of the most recognizable motifs in art history. As seen in this exhibition, Dancy, McGurn, and Woods respond to this convention through disparate methods presenting the figure as alternatively dominant, vulnerable, playful, or even androgynous, restoring to their subjects a sense of agency and recontextualizing the trope for our contemporary moment. >> 更多
访谈, 2020.02.08 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn & Clare WoodsSimon Lee Gallery, New York

(English) Simon Lee Gallery, New York, is pleased to announce a group exhibition featuring new works by Mira Dancy, France-Lise McGurn, and Clare Woods. Connected through an interest in figurative representation, the exhibition brings together three artists who present the body in unconventional ways, each exploring contemporary issues surrounding gender, sexuality, society and politics, as well as addressing the long and problematic history of the male gaze. >> 更多

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