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  日期格式: 1/30/2012
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艺术家档案, 2013.04.05 Friday, 文 /

MAP Office:终于回家了

岳鸿飞以本文探索了MAP Office(地图事务所)的创作生涯,及其在古怪的香港乃至大中华区艺术生态中所处的位置。
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艺术家档案, 2021.02.18 Thursday, 文 /

(English) Lindy Lee at MCA Australia, Sydney
Replicas, postmodernism and ‘bad copies’

(English) Grainy, velvety black photocopies of famous faces – portraits by Jan Van Eyck, Rembrandt, Ingres, Artemisia Gentileschi and others from the western art historical canon – were arranged in rows or grids. They gazed out from behind layers of acrylic paint, or wax that had been partially scraped back. >> 更多
艺术家档案, 2020.10.30 Friday, 文 /
Artist profiles, 2020.10.11 Sunday, 文 /


我走进,漫步于这个昏暗的,共创棚屋。这是一种内在的大地(χώρα):一种在城邦(polis)之外的领土,但是同时作为一种不可见的腹地根植其中——正在容纳屋子的屋子。 >> 更多
Interviews, 2020.03.16 Monday, 文 /

(English) Lu Yang Devil Kaiju Kills Painting !
(Marilyn Manson says hi)

(English) Lu Yang’s ‘debut’ and Chen Tianzhou’s ‘Backstage Boys’ at BANK stimulate the senses to the point of overload. The gallery is a kitsch carnival where, for instance, the rock star Marilyn Manson is depicted as an ‘enchanting, vicious snake demon’ who resists the fiery attack launched by the Cabalesh Brothers >> 更多
Interviews, 2020.03.07 Saturday, 文 /

(English) Phantoms and Aliens
The Invisible Other (Chapter 3)

(English) Taking the lead from pervasive beliefs and superstitions in Southeast Asia about otherworldly beings, Phantoms and Aliens | The Invisible Other broadens the perception of phantom as invisible spirit to explore another, subtler dimension of invisibility, that is, social invisibility originated in discrimination and alienation. Featuring works that span documentary photography and oral history, to painting, mixed-media and video installations, the overarching focus of the exhibition is to consider the invisible other in society: the people, or communities, that live on the margins because of ethnic, religious or cultural differences. These individuals are but phantoms, alienated from the wider society - they are invisible, yet, they exist. >> 更多
Interviews, 2019.12.04 Wednesday, 文 /

驻地研究招募 | 一路向南×越南 2019-2020

广东时代美术馆荣幸地宣布 “一路向南”驻地研究将与位于越南胡志明市的The Factory当代艺术中心进行交换,现公开招募一位中国艺术家前往The Factory当代艺术中心进行驻地研究。与此同时,时代美术馆也将邀请一位越南艺术家来访广州进行一个月的驻地。交换结束后,两位艺术家需各自提交一份详细的创作计划以回应广州及胡志明市这两个选定的地理坐标及其跨本土的地缘政治共鸣,时代美术馆将选择其中一个优胜方案并提供5万元(人民币或等值外币)的委任创作基金。 >> 更多
Interviews, 2019.04.02 Tuesday, 文 /


位于西九文化区、致力收藏二十及二十一世纪视觉文化作品的香港博物馆M+公布入围首届希克奖的六位艺术家名单, >> 更多
Interviews, 2018.11.27 Tuesday, 文 /


郝敬班於刺點畫廊的首次個展“不速之客”展出她最新項目中的三部錄像作品。郝敬班的最新項目以 1930 至 1940 年代的滿洲國為背景,她通過歷史研究、資料搜集、實地考察、個人訪談,追溯滿洲映畫(及後的長春製片電影廠)時期所製作的政治宣傳電影、劇情片、紀錄片、及相關人物等,以真實與虛構交錯的敍事手法,通過錄像和現場表演的形式,探討影像語言的政治性、詮譯的主觀性,同時呈現這些媒介背後的權力操控、邊界角力及身份矛盾。 >> 更多
Interviews, 2018.06.29 Friday, 文 /

‟循環播放” — 七週錄像放映會

今年夏天,刺點畫廊將同步推出兩個展覽活動,包括為期七週的錄像放映會‟循環播放”,及展出應屆及去年藝術系畢業生的聯展‟從此幸福快樂II”。 >> 更多

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